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Disney Animation, Sony Pictures, Blue Sky Studios, and personal work. Detailed descriptions of my responsibilities on every shot can be found by clicking on BREAKDOWN in the menu or by clicking on images below.

Recent Personal Projects:

BigScreen VR environment. 
I created this popular room, 'Travertine,' for Bigscreen VR. It's a mid century inspired room where users can meet and watch anything together. The environment was built with a combination of an environment I modeled and textured with probuilder, and maya, as well as using a friend 's  photography for the picture frames. Since this has to run on all generations of Quest, the set had a 70 megabyte budget and was under 100k triangles.  Unity version 2020.3.33f1 . I enjoyed seeing what I could do in Unity with a limited data budget and polycount, as well as interacting with users.


Unreal Engine 5 environments. 
Some examples I created to demonstrate lighting in Unreal Engine 5. I used modular assets and props to build sets.

The gas station is a purchased model. I used the sky atmosphere component to help create a nighttime sky with exponential height fog. Practical lights are placed for exterior and interior lighting.

Lumen and hdri skies were used for the outdoor ocean shore scene. I used Iceland megascans and quixel props to build and dress the set. A directional light creates the key and point and quad lights help to balance the interior environment.

I used some existing quixel models and trees for the lantern scene. The ground is a sculpted mesh with grass elements brushed in. Volumetric scattering was applied for the Japanese lantern scene and shadow blockers were applied for shaping the light rays. Point and quad lights were placed around scenes for shaping and balance.

The shipping container towers set was my version of a tutorial from Magnet. This uses several models assembled and stacked together to create a shipping container town. The lighting is simply a directional light and sky dome, with some quads and points inserted for balance.

DAYZ short film. A collabrative production based on the ARMA mod version of the DAYZ video game. I conceptualized and wrote the structure of the short film, as well as acted the part of the 'Survivor.' A co-worker of mine shot, directed, and edited, and other friends played roles of The Hero, The Bandit, and Zombies. The idea was to find a way to encapsulate all main characters of the game and their various character roles into a short format. It was also important to us to stay true to the game and make the costumes as close as possible to how they were seen in the game. This was a fun way to put our industry skills to the test in the real world with live action and VFX.

Raya Field Trip. A photography trip with the Disney lighting team to collect inspiration for Raya and the Last Dragon. I shot these images in Huntington Gardens in Los Angeles with a Nikkor 105mm Ai-S and a Zeiss 16-35mm.

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